Welcome to

Speaker's Forum!

Discover an incredible world of promising opportunities awaiting you! We are a motivated group of young students aspiring to become great speakers and transcend boundaries. We are always open to innovative ideas and suggestions!

MUN (Model United Nations)

About the club

Speakers' Forum gives students the tools they need to become better communicators and leaders. By organizing events and by completing projects, students gain leadership abilities. The projects enable individuals to practice skills such as listening, planning, inspiring, and team building. SF mainly focuses on improving speaking talents, offering a platform for sharing various ideas and opinions while learning effective communication, and empowering one another by expressing their thoughts more articulately.

Events of SF

Speakers' Forum conducts several events for the members of the club and students of SVCE primarily based on communicative aspects such as Model United Nations (MUN), public speaking and debates. We also hold seminars and events on major days such as World Environment Day, Women's Day, Teachers' Day, and so on;these activities give students the opportunity to demonstrate their abilities in a variety of events, developing their communication and interpersonal skills.


The club offers live sessions for students to develop their communicative skills which heavily benefits them during placements and improves their fluency. These activities involve talks about your day, GDs and debates to increase their confidence. Ultimately,the students will learn from their mistakes and this leaves no room for error. Our Mentors are also students who love to help their mentees, thus overcoming their barriers. On the whole, it is always a wonderful session with the seniors!

Start your journey to a better life with Speakers' Forum

Why join Speakers' Forum?

Our goal at the end of the day is to break the barriers that students face and build up confidence. We strive to help you break free from your comfort zone and help you face your vocational fears head on! Selections for members happen every year and registration is done through google forms after which members are curated.

How do I participate in events conducted by SF?

SF conducts several events throughout the year which are mostly open for all. Some exclusive events include MUN, our flagship event which requires you to be a member in order to participate. The announcement regarding these events are regularly updated in social media and look out for registration forms which will be circulated through whatsapp!

In what ways can I contribute to the club?

A student can either be a volunteer for a team or a member of the club. Just tap on that you’re interested, and you will love the backstage of these events! If you have a specific skillset, you can join our Teams and Committees to get a chance to employ and enumerate your skills!

How is the Mentorship program useful for me?

Debates, GD, speeches and the presentations you are going to do will need you step out of zone. This program aims to equip students with the presentation skills, increase fluency and eliminate stage fear. Live sessions will help boost your stand in speaking platforms and prepare you for future interviews. Feel free and learn with your Mentors who share the same goal as you to shine with you on the stage!

Here are some things to keep in mind in a GD

Listening to what others say

Listening doesn’t help you just to stay on track but also can give you a cue of how you can contribute to the topic. It minimises beating around the bush and repetition of the content you give. Mainly it gives you a insight on how one perceives the topic.


Sticking to the main subject is utmost important to make the others know your content is relevant and it shows that you are keenly observing. Any case studies, articles or examples could be additional support to a content deficient topic therefore passing an evidence is a critical advantage here.

Have confidence

Everyone’s different but in a GD it all comes down to being confident enough to present one’s opinion. Expressing your opinion is what matters in a GD, it could be disagreed by the others or let down but with a confident tone and planned countermeasure, nothing will stop you!

Perspective attack

Just presenting from one point of view is always a blunt blow to the opponent so why not try a different view? Asking questions that is whole lot different from the current stream and challenging with another viewpoint definitely affects the opponent’s confidence to give an immediate reply.

Contact us
We love conversations. Let us talk !